Features planned for Q2 & Q2, 2025:
Right now, we are rounding out our program to provide almost anything a teacher and student would need to manage their education, always keeping flexibility and ease-of-use as our goal.
- [ ] Form Payments: you will be able to attach a payment request to a form, or send a quick payment request that is unattached to a form or invoice.
- [ ] Form Requests: you’ll be able to send form requests to Spark users and attach submissions to student, guardian, or staff profiles.
- [ ] New Help Docs: our main site will receive the addition of a complete library of help pages with step-by-step instructions and FAQ’s to answer your questions.
- [ ] SMS: we’ll add the ability to send bulk text messages through our communications feature.
- [ ] Advanced Enrollment: we plan to create an enrollment system that is better for large schools with many class offerings, automating more tasks to make your life easier.
- [ ] Gradebook Enhancements: we’ll update the user interface of our gradebook feature and add more report types, including Transcripts.
- [ ] Mastery Grade Scale: we will enable the Spark gradebook to support mastery grading systems as well as traditional. We will also update the gradebook for ease-of-use.
Features planned for the rest of 2025 and beyond:
- [ ] Mobile App for Guardians and Staff, forming the basis for the following features:
- [ ] Student Check-in System: guardians will be able to check their student in or out quickly and easily using the app, reducing your time and effort to take attendance.
- [ ] Classroom Feed: teachers will be able to post pictures and announcements for guardians to view.
- [ ] Term and School Calendar overhaul: we plan to integrate these into a seamless calendar with a user-friendly interface.
- [ ] Student Portal overhaul: we plan to give students more ownership of their education through allowing them to record samples of their work in a portfolio and creating their own goals.
Features planned for Q3 & Q4, 2024:
(July - December)
Contact us at [email protected] with any questions about these features in development.
- [x] Student Information Printing
- [x] Academic Reports